The Oscar by Oscar Valladares Habano Sixty cigars are meticulously handcrafted in Honduras, featuring a distinguished Ecuadorian Habano wrapper that encases a carefully selected blend of premium Honduran tobacco. This combination delivers a truly memorable smoking experience. Offering a medium-bodied profile, it entices the palate with notes of cedar, black pepper, toasted nuts, and a subtle sweetness. Each draw reveals a rich, complex, and deeply satisfying harmony of flavors.
With impeccable construction, these cigars ensure an effortless draw and even burn, allowing you to fully appreciate the blend’s richness and depth. The expertly rolled shape and seamless wrapper create a visually stunning cigar that delights both the eye and the taste buds. Whether you’re a seasoned connoisseur or a newcomer to the world of cigars, The Oscar by Oscar Valladares Habano Sixty promises an unforgettable smoking experience. Immerse yourself in the complexity and elegance of this exceptional blend and discover why it has become a favorite among cigar enthusiasts worldwide.
Cigar Details:
Format: Gordo
Length & Ring Gauge: 6″ x 60
Origin: Honduras
Wrapper: Ecuador
Strength: Medium