Experience the full essence of Hiram & Solomon cigars, available in robusto and toro vitolas with a selection of distinguished wrapper leaves. Crafted with power and character, these cigars embody the spirit of Brotherhood, encouraging reflection on the traditions and values we hold dear. Each Hiram & Solomon cigar is a masterpiece, blending rich flavors with timeless craftsmanship, best enjoyed in the company of others. Our commitment to quality and consistency places Hiram & Solomon among the world’s most respected premium cigar brands. For those who value tradition and refined taste, a Hiram & Solomon cigar offers an unforgettable, thought-provoking experience.
1 x Hiram & Solomon Entered Apprentice Robusto Cigar – 1 Single (52 x 5″)
1 x Hiram & Solomon Entered Apprentice Toro Cigar – 1 Single (52 x 6″)
1 x Hiram & Solomon Fellow Craft Toro Cigar – 1 Single (52 x 6″)
1 x Hiram & Solomon Master Mason Robusto Cigar – 1 Single (52 x 5″)
1 x Hiram & Solomon Master Mason Toro Cigar – 1 Single (52 x 6″)